Universal Cable Machines, Free motion cable machines, Quad Extension, Hamstring Curl, Dumbbells (3lb-150lb), Kettlebells, Incline/Decline/Flat Benches, Military Press, Incline Press, Preacher Curl, Glute Ham Raise, Reverse Hyper, Medicine balls, Bosu Balls, Slam Balls, Calf extension, Captain's chair, Thruster Station, Selectorized Strength Equipment
Heavy Bags, Speed Bags, Box Master, Angle Bag, Boxing Gloves, Body Bag, full size training ring (Waverley location)
Treadmills, Ellipticals, Stair master, Jacobs ladder, Stationary bikes, assault bike/air dyne, Skipping ropes
Lifting Platforms, Bumper plates, both bushing and bearing bars available
0.5lb to 55lb plates, competition spec plates, competition spec squat rack and bench, squat racks, bench presses, deadlifting platforms, bumper plates, competition spec bars, barbells 35lb to 45lb, Benching Blocks, Ohio power bars
logs, swiss bars, atlas stones, sand bags, kegs, farmer carry’s, tires, Yokes, circus dumbbells, viking press
Safety Squat Bar, 80 ft turf, prowler, Sled, Balance Boards, Ropes, Trap Bar, Hurdles, Hack Squat, Reverse Hack Squat, Leg Press (single and double), Arm and Leg Bands